Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy National Scrapbook Day!

I joke with my husband that today is my holiday!  It's National Scrapbook Day and I didn't even get a layout done.  Boo!!  It figures that we would actually have nice weather (although a bit hot for May!) and it was hard to justify keeping myself holed up in my craft corner all day.  Oh well!  Maybe tomorrow I will try to get some pages done.

I am a bit disappointed, though.  For being National Scrapbook Day, I sure didn't see a lot of scrapbooking going on.  I did see a lot of cards, though.  Now, I do my fair share of cards also and am starting to get into that more, but it seems lately that is all I am seeing and I am missing some inspiration in the form of a scrapbook page.  I guess I'm just a bit disappointed.  It's also not just today but it seems like it's the latest trend.  I love seeing card ideas, but I do miss my layout inspirations. :(  Anyway, speaking of cards, I have a bunch of cards to share with you coming up soon.  But today, in honor of the holiday (tee hee) I have a 2 page layout I did for our Disney 2008 trip.

I just used some paper scraps to fill in the spaces that there were no pictures and I also used some stickers I had in my stash.  I love using things from my stash that I haven't used in a long time!  I really should challenge myself more to do that.

I am really trying to catch up on this particular album (Disney 2008), because now I have Disney 2009 to start doing! 

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